North America's flagship Collins tournament:

The Niagara Falls International Open

Saturday 17 May 2025 - Monday 19 May 2025 

22 games, NASPA & WESPA-rated

Organized by Jason Broersma, directed by Sue Tremblay

Niagara Falls Convention Centre

6815 Stanley Avenue, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada          Google Maps

Saturday:  Registration @ 9:00 am, 4 Games @ 9:30 am, 4 Games @ 3:00 pm 

Sunday:  4 Games @ 9:30 am, 4 Games @ 3:00 pm 

Monday:  4 games @ 9:30 am, 2 games @ 3:00 pm

A donation of CAD$14000 (USD$10000) has been made by Bob Linn to support the Niagara Falls International Open.  The funds will be directed towards encouraging Collins play in North America with an emphasis on attracting players rated under 1600.

This will take the form of subsidized entry fees for all qualifying North American players and enhanced prize pools and class prizes.  The entry fee will be subsidized by CAD$150 - you only pay CAD$50 (USD$35).

Qualifying North American players include:

All players in both Collins divisions rated under 1600.

Players who are new to Collins or have recently started playing Collins.

Players who have been playing NWL even if they have played Collins in the past.

We thank Bob for his generosity in supporting this tournament.

Entry fee CAD$200 (USD$140) if paid by 1 May 2025, must be prepaid.  Gibson rule in effect.

CSW (5 point challenge, WESPA-rated) :  Open division with generous class prizes, open to all players of any rating plus a CSW-lite division open only to players rated under 1400 (this will run if there are at least 16 players registered by 1 May 2025 - if not, everyone plays in the Open).

  A division-based NWL tournament will also run alongside the International Open with divisions based on entries at director's discretion.

Click to see who's signed up for each division on!

Contact: Jason Broersma, email/Interac:, cell/text: 519-278-6373

Paypal:, set destination currency to CAD and use friends & family option only

Enquire about direct international bank transfers (Canada, US, UK, EU, Singapore, Australia)